After teaching and evaluating the students throughout the year, the teachers have to prepare the annual performance report at the end of the year. No doubt, it is a stressful task for the teachers. If you are a new teacher, this task will be overwhelming for you. Before writing the annual performance report, teachers should understand the aim of the report. The main aim of the annual performance report of the students is to inform the parents about the performance of their children throughout the year. Teachers should also try to write suggestions for the improvement of the performance of the students. Some essential tips by dissertation writing services to prepare the annual performance report of the students are given below;
Ensure Ease Of Understanding:
Teachers have to write annual performance reports to show the performance of their students to their parents. Therefore, you should make sure that your annual performance report should be easy to understand. After showing the performance of your students in the form of grades or any other form, you should also try to explain this performance in the form of sentences. When you will explain it in the form of sentences, it will be easily understandable for the parents.
Stick To The Point:
An annual performance report is a document to show the performance of the students throughout the year. While preparing the annual performance report, you should stick to the point. It means that you should not use unnecessary information in the annual performance report. If you will use unnecessary information in the annual performance report, you will create confusion for the parents. While preparing the annual performance report, you should stick to the important matters of the children. Its reason is that parents want to know about the important matters of their children rather than unnecessary information.
Avoid Teacher Jargons:
The parents of your students belong to various professions. All the parents are not aware of the teaching terms. For example, a bank manager doesn’t know special terms of teaching. Therefore, you should not use these special terms while preparing the report. If you will use some specialized teaching terms in the annual performance reports, parents will not understand your message. Therefore, if you want to make it effective, you should try to use plain and clear language. After understanding your point of view, the parents can take the action.
Explain The Level Of Achievement Of The Students:
The content of your annual performance report should be concise. Its reason is that parents don’t have enough time to read the lengthy annual performance reports of their children. Moreover, lengthy performance reports will also create lots of confusion for parents. For example, you have covered lots of activities and units throughout the year in your class. Instead of explaining these activities and units, you should try to explain the level of achievement of the students. While explaining the level of achievement of the students, you can also provide some suggestions for improvement.
Explain The Ongoing Performance Of The Students:
While reading the annual reports of their children, parents want to get answers to some specific questions. First, they try to know the learning outcomes of their children. Secondly, they try to know the performance of their children throughout the year. Thirdly, they try to know the areas of improvement. At last, they are also expecting suggestions from the teachers to meet the next achievement standard. Therefore, you should try to provide possible answers to these questions while preparing the reports.
Support Your Comments With Evidence:
After writing comments about the performance of the students, teachers have to provide evidence to support these comments. You can use the samples of work as evidence in the annual performance reports. With the help of these samples, you can either indicate the individual achievements of the students or you can compare their achievements with other students. You should try to provide quality pieces of evidence to the parents. Teachers can explain the strengths and weaknesses of the students with the help of various pieces of evidence. In these pieces of evidence, there come anecdotal notes, tracking sheets and records of the scores, etc.
Use A Checklist:
Before commencing the annual performance report writing task, you should try to create a checklist. On this checklist, you should mention all the points that you will have to explain in the reports. This checklist will be helpful to you to create the best quality annual performance report. It is also the best way to explain all the things in your report. You can also use it to save yourself from writing too much in the report.